The shortlist for the 2020 Voss Literary Prize has been announced.
The shortlisted novels are:
- Crossings (Alex Landragin, Picador)
- The Rich Man’s House (Andrew McGahan, A&U)
- The Palace of Angels (Mohammed Massoud Morsi, Wild Dingo Press)
- The Trespassers (Meg Mundell, UQP)
- Exploded View (Carrie Tiffany, Text)
- The Yield (Tara June Winch, Hamish Hamilton).
Crossings, The Rich Man’s House and The Palace of Angels have been reviewed in these pages.
Now in its seventh year, the Voss Literary Prize is awarded to the best novel published in Australia in the previous year, and is dedicated to the memory of historian Vivian Robert Le Vaux Voss. The award is managed by the Australian University Heads of English, the peak body for the study of English at Australian universities.