Qld Literary Awards 2024
The shortlists for the 2024 Queensland Literary Awards have been announced. Two of the shortlists appear below.
Queensland Premier’s Award for a Work of State Significance ($30,000)
- Borderland (Graham Akhurst, UWA Publishing)
- Fat Girl Dancing (Kris Kneen, Text)
- Edenglassie (Melissa Lucashenko, UQP)
- Poof (J M Tolcher, James Tolcher)
- Personal Score: Sport, culture, identity (Ellen van Neerven, UQP).
Fiction Book Award ($15,000)
- The Great Undoing (Sharlene Allsopp, Ultimo)
- Body Friend (Katherine Brabon, Ultimo)
- Politica (Yumna Kassab, Ultimo)
- Ghost Cities (Siang Lu, UQP)
- Edenglassie (Melissa Lucashenko, UQP).
Borderland and Ghost Cities are also on the Young Adult Book award and People’s Choice Queensland Book of the Year award respectively. Both have been reviewed by QRC. Click on the title to read our review.
The winners will be announced on 5 September. To find out more about the awards and to see all the shortlists, click here.